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  • Writer's pictureMargot Dillard

The Gardener Becomes an Artist

Creating Yard Art While Playing in Dirt

The gardener's flowerbed is a canvas. His yard art uses dirt as the background and plants to create his masterpiece's pictures, colors, and textures. Winter months are a great time to start planning and bringing colorful ideas to mind while dealing with cold, drab winter.

Great art requires preparation, planning, and planting in the case of a garden masterpiece. The beautiful colors, blossoms, and scents overtake the gardener's senses before the image of the canvas is evident in their mind. It is important for the yard artist to plan, then plant. It is easy to make the mistake of rushing to the garden supply center at the first sign of warm weather and begin grabbing plants.!

Most people admit to being a little impulsive and hating to plan, but that is best when putting in a garden. If you think, "I only want to be a spontaneous garden and grab whatever catches my eye and plop it in the ground," go for it if you want to plant and replant. Here are some easy ideas for planning a long-lasting, beautiful flower garden for those still reading.

Easy garden steps:

  1. Do not feel that gardening can't be started in winter. This is the best time to plan by snapping pictures of the areas that will be splashed with color once the weather warms.

  2. Determine where the morning and afternoon sun hits. Log how many hours of sun or shade the selected areas receive.

  3. Research plants that grow well in your area via websites such as your State Extension agency, garden magazines, or the local garden club. The artist does not start painting the canvas until he creates a sketch or a photo from which to work. This is important, and no drawing talent is required; it is just a plan that makes sense to you.

  4. Don't worry about scale -- create an idea of your thoughts for the garden. A sheet of graph paper is excellent for planning each area.

  5. Identify the planned plants and compare them to the spaces available. Use plants that are known to do well in the local climate. If a gardener is trying plants that aren't on their researched list, the result can be either a slew of dying plants or unbelievable luck.

  6. Planning the work is also necessary. Look at the garden sketch and envision the finished canvas. Now, look at the reality. Answer these questions before proceeding with a garden project:

  • What work will it take to remove existing plants, grass, and weeds and plant the new items? Break large projects into smaller jobs to avoid an unfinished canvas.

  • How much time will it take to do the work, making sure not to overdo it? The garden may soothe the soul, rest the weary mind, and be prepared to wreak havoc on muscles.

  • How much work will it take to manage the newly planted area to commit to the upkeep? Do not plan and plant more than you can maintain.

  • How easily can the area be watered and weeded? A dying and overgrown flowerbed is not pretty!

  • Any wildlife like rabbits, moles, or deer that will eat the plants? Be prepared and pick resistant plants if possible.

See Knowing the Seasons and Zones: Planting in Thyme to discover the next steps of planning and planting. There is nothing better than ending the day with a sense of accomplishment, the beauty of flowers, and the relaxation that a restful garden can provide.

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